Saturday, June 18, 2011

day 17.


Belfast, Ireland is known for their linen, engineering and shipbuilding industries!!

We left for Belfast, Ireland at 5:30am this morning and flew out at 8:30 for an hour and a half flight. Once we arrived we went to this little market where I got some yummy homemade lemon curd to take home to the family (sadly, it was taken away from airport security on the way back) and then we went on a nice tour around Belfast. I also came to find out that the Titanic was built in Belfast! So we were able to go to the site and see how big it actually was. 

Waiting at the airport, looking real good at 5:30am

finally on the plane ready for Ireland!!

on the bus to our hotel... and Lee is creepin' in the back

At the farmers market in Ireland, the food looked amazing!

the peace wall in Berlin
We went on a bus tour while we were waiting to check into the hotel and we learned a lot of interesting things about Belfast. The picture above is the Peace Wall on the East side of Belfast. We came to find that there has been a type of democracy between the Catholics and Protestants, so this peace wall separates the Catholics who want to be apart of the UK and the Protestants that don't want to be apart of it. People were setting buildings on fire and there was a lot of contention going on until 1995 things have calmed down a lot, but they still have the separation. It was interesting to see the real side of Belfast and the history that outsiders don't really know about, rather than just seeing some pretty buildings and rolling hills.

this is the east side, who want to be apart of the UK... hence the flags

This is where the Titanic was built! 

this was able to hold one million gallons of water and the pump house could even pump all the water  down to the very last inch!! 
here is the website to read about titanic stories and it's history

our sweet hotel room at the Hilton

me and Danielle loving our new bed!

our sweet bathroom

the view from our room

I liked the chair

and I liked the wallpaper :) we were living in luxury here.

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