Tuesday, June 7, 2011

day 11.


Today was Beatles day! Andrea, Danielle, Phil & Lee went on the Beatles tour this morning with a random group of people that were Beatles fans as well. We had the cutest little tour guide with a sweetie accent as well, he knew pretty much anything in the world that had to do with the Beatles, if he could talk about them all day he would. As we walked around London, finding all sorts of little places the Beatles had to do with... a guy that was studying abroad as well noticed my American accent and introduced himself. He was a nice fella, but a little odd, but very nice. So for the rest of the tour he followed us everywhere & even invited himself to have lunch with us afterwards. He actually took our picture crossing Abbey Road, which by the way was quite a hard task! There was traffic everywhere and they didn't care if you were in the way or not, the drivers were gonna run you over if you were in the road. So it was a little scary crossing the road, but we got our picture and we also signed the wall, which was all we really cared about. Afterwards we had to ditch our new friend... I felt kind of bad but it was kind of weird. 
this wall in London was inspired for the Beatles Album below

while on the tour we came across a huge gang of motorcycles/scooters that were decorated like this, they get together every year and have a little show.

The Beatles preformed in a TV show here

This is where they had their rooftop concert

here is a clip of the concert on the roof

Of course another jumping picture

Hey! We just moved in!

The famous Abbey Road crossing

Here I am! Crossing Abbey Road in the footsteps of the Beatles!

Our sweetie little guide :)

I found my name twice!

My name again
This time I actually wrote my name

Strawberry Fields Forever... yeah I wrote on it twice. 
more love messages to the Beatles

ABBEY ROAD!!!!!!!!! Here we are crossing it!!

cool kids

our new friend

and still following... 
After we got home, I was exhausted for some reason and my allergies were going crazy! There was a lot of pollen in the air this weekend because I couldn't stop sneezing and getting a faucet nose. So I went to take a little nap around 5 or 5:30pm and I didn't wake up until about 10 THE NEXT MORNING!!! And I didn't even wake up to get up or move around once! So I slept for almost a whole day... It felt really good to sleep, but I don't think I've ever done that before! Even when I have pulled 3 all-nighters in a row. So that was weird, but at least my body was able to catch up on some actual sleep!

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