Saturday, June 18, 2011

day 16.


Today we went to Cambridge, where the second oldest university in both England and the English-speaking world is located. Formed in 1209, it is seventh oldest around the globe! This is the ultimate college town filled with very smart students a beautiful atmosphere filled with amazing architecture and nature. Academically Cambridge ranks as one of the top universities in the world, with graduates who have won a total of 61 Nobel Prizes, the most of any university in the world! Initially, only male students were enrolled in the University. The first college for woman was formed in 1869 and 1872. The first woman students were examined in 1882 but the attempts to make them full members did no succeed until 1947. When they were first opened the men had a funeral, because to them that was the day that education had died, and they floated black boats down the river as their death symbols. Little did they know that we ARE smarter than them. :)

I have never seen so many bikes in my life! I loved it :) I wish we rode bikes around more

beautiful fan vaulted ceilings

love the stained glass windows

The shadows from the pretty windows

i was loving the bikes :)

and another pretty bike
about to go on our boat ride!

we had to take a picture with the hott punting boys of course!

it was an entertaining ride

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